FAM4: Thread 5 - Day 3

Three mafia got killed.
We’re on a roll.

you should have negotiated.

10$ per day or
10$ per pelt.

so much money lost.

…This argument has been done before in April showers before. I have been here just lurking around when people ask questions and ITA’s. Plus coming online for an ITA seems reasonable no?

who was the next wolf flipped

SK/Gira/Achro all V read Meuh hard
If she flips V shoot Dum

Peak Brad ITA message

unfair i wouldve lvoed this to be killing blow

@atlas @May
Is there a current shotlist?

I kinda wanna shoot but bionic is already dead and ik some people tr meme. Is eliza/gori up for shots?

Someone did, as in someone, not the actual player

imo shoot ari rn

Oh I wasn’t even hard defending benguined, I had no thoughts on lol, and my townread on Bionic was present but mild, I just think it’s way funnier to take blame for every single wrong shot

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Outside communication invasion + ITA immunity? That doesn’t sound right at all. He most likely won’t be able to explain it himself, regardless of his alignment.

Because his role is akin to katze’s; passive invasion. (Dunno which communication he invaded N2 though.)

Eliza has claimed town KP.

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we’re thinking on holstering

only thing people have is kelsier but that isn’t very solid

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I idled it last night :pensive:

Dum twtbw honestly

Hmm shit didn’t know that

Dum repeatedly asked about it ftr

im actually ok at werewolf im just a scared and fragile deer and afraid