FAM4: Thread 5 - Day 3

Apparently delayvig on Jinrou

ok, Iā€™ll holster until ITA3

unless we get something good

also ita-immunes out VOTE: gorta

heā€™s being delay vigged so no

they sniped into an event while lurking d1

iā€™d say more than likely wolf

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Any thoughts on any of these 3?


I donā€™t think Ariā€™s maf.

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Mostly because I didnā€™t know what to do

I was tempted to try to destroy it via gorta tbh

But then I didnā€™t

Who is?

ive not rlly been heavily pushed tbh LOL

tell me who it was so i can tunnel them :3

I thought other people said it too?

gori maybe town but isk

Ari are you maf?

should i use my shot here too

i heard gori town from people

some people kindaaaa nulltown ranta

iā€™d recommend informing us if you plan on shooting

eliza delay vigged jinrou

if i was a wolf I wouldā€™ve been bussed already lol

Isnā€™t May just outed wolf here or

are we killing kelsier this ita or holstering. i want a solid answer thats not ā€œmaybeā€