FAM4: Thread 5 - Day 3

thats a little on the nose

there is a good chance bionic just shot SK because it was the first name he saw ngl


yo what are your current thoughts

it seems like all the wolves are afkers so far and you don’t seem to get into the swing of the game properly

And someone was strongly arguing against sk about it right before itas

Why are you cheering for the wolves tf

I ain’t doing jack **** during chaos time.
(We are Chaos Observers after all.)
(Legit, that’s my personal title on my homesite.)

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I still have my shot

i am intrigued… though fmpov (i did not orchestrate the shot… :)) sk was fairly towny regardless


we all love comeback stories

OK. I still think we have enough of a cushion to let Artemis self-resolve (they’re repping a big PR).

Okay, yeah fair

Yeah fair

I want to prove to everyone that Town sweep doesn’t exist.
I am still waiting for those deep wolves to somehow reach… IDK, F20?

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giving out my superlike again for good music recommendations

Hana Vu

? Unsure what this is about


My only plan was to shoot into the obvious wolves and other PoE once the shots starting calming down to make sure they died, hopefully. Or of course shoot into meuh or Artemis, but I’m not shooting there till it becomes consensus