FAM4: Thread 5 - Day 3

@Manny explain yourself

imo we shoot benguin until dead and if red shoot manny for his crimes

Jake was Catbae neil. That was the person we hung

unfortunately from a meta perspective hes probs town but w/e

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he is so straightforward to the point where other people thought it was wolfy (incorrectly)

…is that different from their normal behaviour?


i almost wanna put bionic as town again just because of how out of hte loop he is


On one hand, fair

On the other hand, imagine not committing to the bit

The last I remember they said their shield of lucid expired yesterday

not sure about screaming to shoot will need to double check that





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yeah. i thought u were saying ur check was also catbae flavoured and i was like: wtf???

Oh btw Sadbi didn’t give any superlikes yesterday I got that as info

i feel like usually there’s something genuine sounding from him but either way if its a miss i kinda wont care :joy_cat:

just check it

lucid in particular didnt wanna ita someone insession 3

i think it was lucid and not cng

brak gave up the gimmick because they have hit the sweet spot where now it will look soooo towny to give real thoughts :smiling_imp:

Jane can i politely request you push for me only in third ita group today as by then i will either have suicided to the death events which staty today anyway or done enough to escape ur list as its a saturday and i have much more time :pleading_face: