FAM4: Thread 5 - Day 3

When I’m wolfing in a mash and my teammates are looking like they’re going to get shot I at least give them some bullshit to delay their death a day so they can, like, live

aww fuck

this terminal of lies talk reminded me of what my first post was meant to be

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True I may be dumb

Tutuu didn’t claim anything and that was the slowest death imaginable

do you think more people would use terminal of lies if I added a feature that shows the exact date and time of your death
idk if that would be fun or if it would make it more complicated to use nya nya nya
maybe I could do location too but that would be hard to code thtbhtbtbhtbhtbbhtbhbhtbthbh
like would it use coordinates or an address kind of thing
but I want to make sure people are interested I don’t want to spend all that time pulling the locations from the infernal database if nobody cares joycat


Like I think that’s another sign the wolfteam is kinda, uh, inactive

This is against the rules to post


Wow I’m bad at mafia

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You’re not allowed to prove slank cover

I’m at the point in my sanity arc where I can’t tell whether May’s being serious.

It’s borderline in this case, I don’t think it’s super bad, that’s why I said this instead of report, but for the future:

You have been inactive due to having a lot of homework, and have stated this fact in the game thread. Another player accuses you of lying. It is NOT allowed to post a photograph of your homework in the game thread in order to prove you are telling the truth.



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No it’s genuinely against the rules to go “I was busy painting Warhammer robots” and then post the robots as proof. That wasn’t the intent but it’s like not something you should really be doing

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You can undelete it

Get some rest.

the ideal play for wolves here is to find 2 slots to bus

then ride it out as small core while the villagers try to find the bussers

then maybe bus 1 more

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Captains log 10… I kinda want NK May for shots and Gigs

You need to chill homie