FAM4: Thread 5 - Day 3

yeah sorry this is the cookie thread now

holy shit…

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average day in the manga community


Actually this post is making me curious if there are other people defending me (not sheeping Catbae) that I missed, I’ve been feeling kind of isolated but maybe some people have a better handle on my alignment

bannable offense

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damn thats rough


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me fr

whats teh chance that everyone posting rn is just town


My girlfriend cannot sleep without holding three separate pillows in her arms

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Anyway time to rate the simp targets from JJK

Gojo - 10/10 my glorious king
Toji - 6/10 he has the body but gurl what do you see in him
Yuji - Yuji is baby, do not simp
Yuta - literally a child
Nanami - 7/10 in manga, 9/10 after anime hair pull scene he is FATHER
mei mei - 0/10 she belongs in jail

okay thread is getting to NEETy for me, off i go


none you’re wolf good luck

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FAM 4: Battle for the Cookie Thread Day 3 Votecount

Votes Wagon Voters
12 Gorta neil_the_eel, Apocryphal, Atlas, ChaosNinjaGaming, Baudib1, Hazardwaste, Ash, Dum, Ari, ash4fun, BradLand, dyachei
2 Brakuren Jane, CarrotyReaper
2 Marluna WindwardAway, Zone_Q11
2 Dum Hallia, Meuh
1 Baudib1 Brakuren
1 Meuh Millium
1 Ash an_gorta_slanktai
1 Artemis bystander
1 Ranta May
24 Not Voting Achromatic, beancat, carbonated, crazynuto, ElizaThePsycho, Ephemera, gori, Gorta, Hippopablompoyeetus, Jarek, Jinrou, Kork, Lucid_Daydream, Marluna, Memekingpizza, pandora, Ranta, Selkie, SirDerpsAlot, Someone, Wazza, Yawn, Zugzwang, Artemis
5 Unrecognized Frostwolf103 (for benguinedparbecue), nutella (for benguinedparbecue), Ashlyn (for SilverKeith), Creature (for Kelsier), Kanave (for kanyave)
Raw VC for the plugin

Gorta (12): neil_the_eel, Apocryphal, Atlas, ChaosNinjaGaming, Baudib1, Hazardwaste, Ash, Dum, Ari, ash4fun, BradLand, dyachei
Brakuren (2): Jane, CarrotyReaper
Marluna (2): WindwardAway, Zone_Q11
Dum (2): Hallia, Meuh
benguinedparbecue (2): Frostwolf103, nutella
Baudib1 (1): Brakuren
Meuh (1): Millium
Ash (1): an_gorta_slanktai
Artemis (1): bystander
Ranta (1): May
SilverKeith (1): Ashlyn
Kelsier (1): Creature
kanyave (1): Kanave

Not Voting (24): Achromatic, beancat, carbonated, crazynuto, ElizaThePsycho, Ephemera, gori, Gorta, Hippopablompoyeetus, Jarek, Jinrou, Kork, Lucid_Daydream, Marluna, Memekingpizza, pandora, Ranta, Selkie, SirDerpsAlot, Someone, Wazza, Yawn, Zugzwang, Artemis

I’m a new bot, and I made this post. Please forgive any mistakes :confounded:.
If you’re mean to me I WILL cry.

^ Guy who had an inherent advantage at host trivia


sorry you’re like forever 15 in my mind nya


you’re also 20 so

prolly not beancat she just popped in to snipe 6000


i sense no productive discussion is happening