FAM4: Thread 5 - Day 3

okay we all pelt Brakuren with ITAs then

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purr purr nya

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whats ur info on him?


Isnā€™t ita in 30 minutes?
Are LoL matches longer than that?

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I almost said something about wolfreading Porscha yesterday and then didnā€™t. 9184

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I wouldnā€™t say that reflect negatively on Jane though

It reflects more negatively on whoever you were talking about

Itā€™s perfectly reasonable to assume Porscha was shot by multiple people

IT WOULD BE AN HONOR! :handshake:

nyaver give me this curse again I will entirely fill thread with nya nya nya nya nya nya nya

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ā€¦ 3 hours and 22 minutes, i think?

Is this mech?

Thought Brakuren was still ~fine overnight

its irrelevant. brakuren flips wolf

but why did you shoot her?

Why is Daeron town?

yes, its very unlikely brakuren is town now

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alright fuck it we ball

Yeah thatā€™s funny because Iā€™m Jailor

Alright weā€™ll see

i love when my literal first post reads are correct