FAM4: Thread 5 - Day 3

as far as i can tell yours got refunded

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wazza is heavily townread
i recommend doing otherwise

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i havent played them in a while but I am technically wolfia staff on the wolfia server lol

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you should shoot beancat

yea but it wouldnt have been a logical move then, more so like anger move

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finally smh

you’re really mature.

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I hope Manny is watching from DVC rn

the shot hitting was peak comedy to me, he got that for tunneling me lol

i think i’m getting some sort of reverse crash from getting my blood drawn
all the energy i was supposed to have earlier i have now

Do you really think they’re a wolf??

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please don’t make or allude to sexual innuendos in the fam4: thread 5 - day 3 chat

… yes???

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FAM 4: Battle for the Cookie Thread Day 3 Votecount

Votes Wagon Voters
12 Gorta neil_the_eel, Apocryphal, Atlas, ChaosNinjaGaming, Baudib1, Hazardwaste, Ash, Dum, Ari, ash4fun, BradLand, dyachei
2 Brakuren Jane, CarrotyReaper
2 Marluna WindwardAway, Zone_Q11
2 Dum Hallia, Meuh
1 Baudib1 Brakuren
1 Meuh Millium
1 Ash an_gorta_slanktai
1 Artemis bystander
1 Ranta May
24 Not Voting Achromatic, beancat, carbonated, crazynuto, ElizaThePsycho, Ephemera, gori, Gorta, Hippopablompoyeetus, Jarek, Jinrou, Kork, Lucid_Daydream, Marluna, Memekingpizza, pandora, Ranta, Selkie, SirDerpsAlot, Someone, Wazza, Yawn, Zugzwang, Artemis
5 Unrecognized Frostwolf103 (for benguinedparbecue), nutella (for benguinedparbecue), Creature (for Kelsier), Kanave (for kanyave), Ashlyn (for Unrecognized)
Raw VC for the plugin

Gorta (12): neil_the_eel, Apocryphal, Atlas, ChaosNinjaGaming, Baudib1, Hazardwaste, Ash, Dum, Ari, ash4fun, BradLand, dyachei
Brakuren (2): Jane, CarrotyReaper
Marluna (2): WindwardAway, Zone_Q11
Dum (2): Hallia, Meuh
benguinedparbecue (2): Frostwolf103, nutella
Baudib1 (1): Brakuren
Meuh (1): Millium
Ash (1): an_gorta_slanktai
Artemis (1): bystander
Ranta (1): May
Kelsier (1): Creature
kanyave (1): Kanave
Unrecognized (1): Ashlyn

Not Voting (24): Achromatic, beancat, carbonated, crazynuto, ElizaThePsycho, Ephemera, gori, Gorta, Hippopablompoyeetus, Jarek, Jinrou, Kork, Lucid_Daydream, Marluna, Memekingpizza, pandora, Ranta, Selkie, SirDerpsAlot, Someone, Wazza, Yawn, Zugzwang, Artemis

I’m a new bot, and I made this post. Please forgive any mistakes :confounded:.
If you’re mean to me I WILL cry.

me: has been pushing a read since SoD2
hallia: “wait do you fr fr think that”

I felt like their overnight was towny the night before last

well, since you asked nicely, i guess i’ll wait til thread 6