Ranta & WindwardAway
Mafia Communist Artist
You are a member of The Throne of Boomers
You are a Communist.
Your ITA shots targeting Capitalists deal an additional +100 damage. You cannot gain additional ITA shots.
Take the Money and Run
Immediate Day Action
Submit a post to the hosts of another player asking you to draw something. You may not use this on consecutive Days.
Just a Sketch
Night Action — Key
Submit a drawing you made (by hand, analog or digital, no AI) to the hosts that depicts an action that cannot kill or gain you new abilities in any way. Use the depicted action on target player. You may not depict an identical or similar action as one you have already submitted. You may not use the same kind of action more than once this way. If your drawing matches the prompt (we’re looking for a best effort and good faith attempt) you submitted with Take the Money and Run, your base ITA damage becomes 30 when targeting players of the same alignment as the player who gave you the prompt during the next Day.
(You may use text to identify the player, but you must depict the action without describing it with text. Text for sound effects will be accepted.)
You are Ranta & WindwardAway, Mafia Communist Artist. We wanted a Communist Artist but we weren’t sure if Ranta is an artist and we weren’t sure if Wind is a communist, so we fused you into a hydra. You are a talented artist, and this game we’re giving you the chance to put your artistry to use for the Mafia. Inspired by the work of Jens Haaning, you’ve developed a way to combine your love for art with your hatred of capitalism.
You win if no more threats to the Mafia exist or nothing can prevent that from happening.