FAM4: Thread 5 - Day 3

hey @Memekingpizza can you explain what made you wolfread Manny here
and did you not worry about maybe being wrong and ending their game?

Tell them to give back the other ariā€™s account please. I liked her

Took me a bit too long to realize this is the film version and not the theater version.

Dum is town because we keep mindmelding

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ash from ypov have you done anything clearing and or exceptionally villagery

i did watch the movie more . (and the soundtrack I listen to is from it)

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u guise suck im actually ISOing katze i fucking hate her

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I dunno, Iā€™ve been posting more than I would have as wolf? Firmly feeling like Iā€™ve been floating along this entire game.

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Is that why you killed her?

whats your average postcount as wolf then? back me up bro

what does this mean

no its bc she killed my grandma so i wanted to 360 noscope her in revenge

I donā€™t know. Combinatorics Mafia had me as one of the lowest posters, but I also was just incredibly busy during that time and couldnā€™t play nearly as much as I wanted to.
The only other scum game I have on this site is SFoL 70, and I donā€™t remember my posting being that substantive.

ok but aside from this does anybody care about these sharts

Like, I have this game open on a different monitor while working on other things, so Iā€™m not making reads on more than just moment-to-moment vibes.

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can u link me a v and w game from you?

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Iā€™m town

hi Iā€™m awake now can I get a recap of anything relevant?

ok why