FAM4: Thread 5 - Day 3


I need to die at some point, you can only clear me based on meta for so long and my death confirms wind, it’s actively something I’ve been saying for a while

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That’s my biggest gripe

Like please, anything :sob:

Breakfast isn’t real

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alright bye fr this time

Skill issue smh

Simply come have French toast with us

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meta clears can hold for a couple of days.

don’t worry about it.

On your part? Yeah probably

Ok you’re getting shot for policy I can’t allow you to continue here after saying things like this

Lucky I don’t just report this it’s so out of pocket smh

Such is the nature of low impact slots in a mash

Now you’re getting it

Bring it coward

I hope you understand that me saying “x isn’t real” is literally something I say all of the time

Je ne peux pas croire qu’il ont francisĂ© les toasts

Oh wait

I took that as me getting it as in getting murdered

Now I think you meant you skill issuing

I’m dying

Nope you’re being banned you took it too far

I can smell fear.

I am a devoted follower of the Enigmata

I cannot allow this breakfast slander