FAM4: Thread 5 - Day 3

out of game information

no iā€™m j saying on a very quick skim i agree with most of them but am also concurrently running a game while playing this which is a bad idea because phase change is like rn :/ so iā€™ll be back later

towns about

my name is ogi

oh . oops. that counts?

Chaos have like 19 posts on Day 1 and havenā€™t pushed anyone at all, looking at Day 2 nowā€¦

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He did vote Tutuu, but that doesnt say much when he havenā€™t pursued anyone

what about chaosninnjagaming

just donā€™t talk about you being busy due to other games or whatever Iā€™m pretty sure thatā€™s what you shouldnā€™t say

out of game information killed my grandmaā€¦.

oh my bad sorry :(((
Donā€™t kill me pls


weā€™re looking there now lol

sometimes i forget that OGI didnā€™t actually kill my grandma but the jokes gone too far that if someone asked me what killed her iā€™d have to stop myself from immediately saying OGI

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VOTE: Gorta

Forgot I switched.

when is the next ITA window btw?

i didnt like then during ita period 1 at all and they shot cape
but sabi was shielding him so i dnno

105 minutes

chaos shot cape?

i think so