FAM4: Thread 5 - Day 3

not selkie but the rest of these ok

I did more than at Day 1, thatā€™s for sure

it feels v much like noobtown to me rather than newbscum imo nya

I donā€™t mind but I donā€™t think I could answer a lot of questions about fol regulars that are personal.

Sorry bestie thats just how i play text games thay i have noticed. Every time i play i tend to be neutral about everything until j can be certain. Like i know this site is big on soical cues and all but i feel like i cant use them to the full exent most can cus i simply dont know that many people.

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though to continue the hedgeyness, i could def be wrong nya

Meme istowny yeah <ā€” pocketed

Where you sleeping beneath the rock or something?

why not? :O

that was a post abt someone not ash LOL

didnā€™t selkie have like a towny claim and sabi trusted her

hopefully we wont need that again nya kjhasdhja
i also may just pick 1 or 2 ppl to see how my ability works with a smaller count nya

Hmm okay, I am mentioning about Ash regarding the not shielding thing coming from Hippo, but I donā€™t believe that. Heā€™s antispewing Ash as wolf.

I did check for the quote and likeā€¦why can you have not fakeclaimed this condition(why can you not be mafia with no condition but just limited number of kills/jails)+how do you know if the other player they are defending is unallied how does that work exactly,does it fail? if so then could you just select a player with a quote at random and verify if both of them are wolfs or in a mason?

oki (idk what to say here)

totally unrelated - if you could curse any player in the game who would you pick?

someone should still be on shot list imo. it was really sus how he got taken off and im ignored whenever i try to bring him up again

im scared lol @nutella here u can lead shats but im not shooting someone.

Why was he even taken off?