FAM4: Thread 5 - Day 3

I’m entitled to my thoughts idc

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its not that unusual and idr see a wolf motivation from brak to do so but like whatevrer

I think the only one is disagree with is Frost, and only because Hippo kept weirdly pushing him as mafia, but it’s not exactly clearing

Have they even posted today?

Mayhaps, but then again…this thing with Marluxion’s wagon being thwarted by Jackthewolfie.


I realized I don’t remember a single mera post today.

maybe I should try an iso.

I don’t think they’ve posted?

idk if mera has posted 2day lol

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Is mera a consensus townread or why isn’t she PoE? I never actually heard much about how people are reading her


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and when a wolfteam is getting blasted hard. morale becomes a problem.

nyaaaaaaaaaa wanted to get quotes for the last part but T-30 till ITAs

meme post


  • Meme’s defensiveness / care towards their appearance, is NAI
  • Meme’s openness with their claim is a bit >rand town. would be better but they were under pressure
  • Meme’s vote on Manny is kinda bad but meh
    – They do have an explanation for why they didn’t feel bad (which is important, as it would otherwise 1265 and 1291 from last game)

On the first of these:
I played with them in April showers reconstructed (we were T/T, I was on @wrongboy) and they got pushed D1 and had a similar reaction.

Their most defensive post from that game (from what I read):

more quotes (defensive, but less so)

[quote=“Zugzwang, post:66, topic:8523, full:true”]

claim stuff

sadly I’m coming out of this with like. nullwolf :pensive:


mera slanking is prob townie and i thought they were fine previous days

wouldn’t worry rn

So its not just Ash that Hippo’s pushing? It’s like he’s in antispew mode like I said.

meme is a fine shot as well

will be back to shoot for shotlist ping me with one when itas happen nya

But he talked more about you than about Ash
I actually thought it looked more like you were town and Ash was not based on that small difference

Show me where? I haven’t townread Pandora once this game