FAM4: Thread 5 - Day 3

why benguin is alive?


All borderline outed wolves already let’s go

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Ya meuh is just not town

guns… and ships… and so the balance shifts…

  1. Disagree. They are playing an entirely different game and their execution never benefits the majority.

I did, and no: You are alive.
(For now…)

By whom? :gun:

just for the record

because all of you think you are genius wolf hunters etc

if i was wolfing, I would have grinded you guys out til you felt bad about playing at all

I don’t let villagers breathe


I wasn’t gonna claim the shot till Daeron mentioned a red on me

why did you shoot atlas?


Idk how much more I should say, but I had a choice between SDA and Atlas and thought SDA was chill

bro do u doubt my uwu vig?

i still think mannys a villager

unconvincing selfmeta has sold me

It was pretty obviously a meme, hosts never gonna monitor every single post they have snough going on


and I certainly don’t get caught by manny lmao

i think?

second best claim

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I’m not familiar with other players on this list being in any way outted, explain?


Ok maybe not manny/someone but i am annoyed

VOTE: brakuren

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its so hard to iso here