FAM4: Thread 5 - Day 3

As in its a good strategy that incrases your chances to win

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Skill issue

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why are people shooting me again

??? didn’t you claim the shit that happend d1

I’lll wait till like 1:40 what about that and if gorta doesn’t flip by then I may shoot them but otherwise I want somebody else dead badly

effective value, if something is +ev its good for town/whoever is doing it nya

Shoot gorta until dead, thanks


ITA Tracker

Players D2 Shotlist D3 Shotlist
Achromatic (JakeTheWolfie) (MISS!) (Hippopablompoyeetus)
alexandra (katze) β€”
Amelia β€” β€”
an_gorta_slanktai (Italy)
Apocryphal (Garfooled) (benguinedparbecue) (Refunded), (Hehehaha420blazing)
Ari (Italy) (Ranta)
Artemis (gori) (Ash)
Ash (benguinedparbecue) (carbonated)
ash4fun (tris) (Ranta)
Ashlyn (beancat) (pandora)
Atlas (Leafia) (Bionic)
Baudib1 (alexandra) (Hehehaha420blazing) (Refunded), (Ash)
beancat (alexandra)
benguinedparbeque (Jinrou), (Cape90) (Daeron) (+1) (+2)
Bionic (JakeTheWolfie) (MISS!) (SilverKeith)
BradLand (Italy) (Kelsier)
Brakuren (Garfooled) (pandora)
bystander (Leafia)
Cape90 (Bionic) β€”
carbonated (LittleLee)
CarrotyReaper (Leafia)
ChaosNinjaGaming (Cape90) (Kelsier)
crazynuto β€”
Creature (Artemis) (Gorta) (MISS!)
Daeron β€” β€”
Dum β€” (benguinedparbecue) (Refunded), (Bionic) (Refunded), (Meuh)
dyachei (Leafia) (+1), (Italy) (+1) (+2) (Bionic), (Gorta) (MISS!) (+1) (MISS!), (Hehehaha420blazing), (Kelsier)
ElizaThePsycho (Italy) (+1)
Ephemera (Ashlyn)
Frostwolf103 (Jarek) (pandora)
Garfooled β€” β€”
Gocj (tris) β€”
gori β€” (Bionic)
Gorta (benguinedparbecue)
Hallia (Leafia) (benguinedparbecue) (Refunded), (Bionic)
Hazardwaste (alexandra) (benguinedparbecue) (Refunded), (pandora)
Hehehaha420blazing (Zugzwang) β€”
Hippopablompoyeetus (benguinedparbacue)
Italy (Leafia) β€”
jail (Italy) β€”
JakeTheWolfie (Luxy) (+1)
Jane (Garfooled) (Hippopablompoyeetus)
Jarek (carbonated) (pandora)
Jinrou (nutella) (Manny)
Kanave (alexandra) (Gorta)
katze (Cape90) β€”
Kelsier (alexandra) (+1) (+2) (Refunded) β€”
Kiiruma β€” β€”
Kork β€”
Leafia (Jinrou) β€”
LittleLee (JakeTheWolfie) (MISS!) β€”
Lucid_Daydream (benguinedparbecue) (Bionic) (Refunded), (Gorta)
Luxy β€” β€”
Magnus β€” β€”
Manny (tris) (benguinedparbecue) (MISS!)
Marluna (Magnus) (carbonated)
Marluxion (Magnus) β€”
May (Cape90) (benguinedparbecue)
Memekingpizza (Jarek) (pandora)
Meuh (Italy) (carbonated)
Millium (Artemis)
neil_the_eel (Italy) (Refunded), (Cape90) (benguinedparbecue) (Refunded), (Gorta)
nutella (Artemis)
pandora β€”
Porscha (Cape90) β€”
Ranta (Artemis) (carbonated)
Sadbi (Jinrou) (Forgotten), (LittleLee) β€”
Selkie (JakeTheWolfie) (MISS!) (Hehehaha420blazing)
SilverKeith (benguinedparbecue) β€”
SirDerpsAlot (Kiiruma)
Someone (alexandra) (benguinedparbecue) (Refunded), (carbonated)
Stick (Garfooled) β€”
tris (Jinrou) β€”
Wazza (beancat) (Someone)
WindwardAway (Amelia) (Marluna)
Yawn (Cape90) (Hehehaha420blazing)
Zone_Q11 (Marluxion) (+1), (Achromatic), (LittleLee), (Ephemera), (Marluna) (Gorta)
Zugzwang (Cape90)
??? (JakeTheWolfie) (No death)

This should be up to date.

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@FAMHost /ITA gorta


youre not on immediate shats atm but if you have one go for gorta

I just did lol


@dyachei bb come back

i thought it was efficiency variuable jfc ty

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The shot connects.

oh that
when I killed Icet I was neutral, and I swapped our roles and took their alignment (they kept their own alignment tho)

I’m here just lurking because I’m holding an infant


Okay just shoot Gorta.

zug have u shot and if no why havent u shot gorta

Awww how’s baby