FAM4: Thread 5 - Day 3

Still kind of think could be wolfing

Please stop for the love of God

he is like town leader bruh, not even one of my potential deepwolves atp

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What are you on about?

honestly with the amount of mafia that flipped it’s far more likely to be a town role than a mafia role?

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What town leader thing has he done?

… and I’m so sorry
I cannot sleep, I cannot dream tonight

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i liked the part where they agreed with every word that came out of my mouth for the past 11 hours

but i dunno beyond that. i remember thinking they were a really good wolf for some reason


hes led a lot of good shots/pushes and stuff

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No, Gorta?

grota died???

is baudib/neil tvt owo

idk owo

im p sure i lead that one >.>

Yes, town

they were town :skull:


probably im just annoyed

I believe neil is v

I have no idea on baudib1

its fine
i had gorta as do what you want during its 2