FAM4: Thread 5 - Day 3

Or this, this is also a good point

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ur a wolf why do you care

how many games and as what alignments

ok yeah these are better

Right but I donā€™t see why claiming to have shot Atlas is wolf indicative and that they need to die for it

no you

ok brakuren is town Iā€™ve changed my mind

There was an anticlaim shot.

I donā€™t remember itā€™s shortform BotC I just know their tone and their experience level

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aww missed the event again

I am mobileposting

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honestly itā€™s not crazy.

derps shot a wolf iirc but aside from that not a lot.

yawn is pretty townie but itā€™d be my current pick for deep-ish wolf. nah prolly town.

Has Gorta claimed? I vaguely feel like they have, but I donā€™t know what it is if so.

oh shortform

and do you still think they fit with their play here?

I donā€™t have alignment meta on carbonated, I havenā€™t claimde that ever, I just have meta on their personality and I know that they are capable of reading an OP to know when shot times are


Thatā€™s still 2-3 wolfsided KP

sorry for that. I saw it but very little to do without risking it escalating further.

cleary break is on the edge as either alignment and didnā€™t really sort your prod correctly.

Donā€™t think Derps (read thread 3 & thread 4 posts)

Yawn could be deepwolf but Iā€™m not gonna worry about that

Closing thread rn though since I really gotta sleep

then why didnt he die instead of katze/marl

they did not iirc