FAM4: Thread 5 - Day 3




I know you are investigative. Thats all.

Im not sure if you had thus figured out or not, but I did heavily imply I saw you visit a dead guy

Mostly to try and see if you woukd say something that would implicate wether you are town or wolf invest

yes I am. its rather irrelevant.


a lot of people defended porscha btw

i wasn’t ehre

From the previous game or now?

you mucking about?

we are not removing someone from katze’s “should die” list because he decided to vig a consensus villager - this would be a mad suggestion that I hope nobody would entertain

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i killed porscha

that game (fam3)

i used my night action on benguin, if he was bloodied he should’ve died
so either he wasnt bloodied or someone healed him, or i was rb’d or redirected :joy_cat:

hello what is Happening

For the record I almost committed to the bit and guessed who you visited but tbat would be idiodti

bleh. sucks

np. someone claimed a shot on you. (i think it was the user someone but I might be wrong. brain semi fried and this forum makes my memory leak)


Why would you know all of that?

That’s a lot more information than I expected, all I knew is that you knew I visited someone as you implied it heavily

yeah i gotcha

@someone give us your explaination

I did not know you visited anyone