FAM4: Thread 6 - Day 3

gori v. im gonna cream

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I can’t type

They aren’t claiming a death miller, they are claiming they become a miller on gorus town flip, which at least makes sense given they claimed a conditional on it


Am I dying tonight? (don’t bother protecting me ftr)

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this is fol my guy




this eod was weird

keep your eye on art please

check my iso for mech




Day 3 Final Votecount:

gori (11): Artemis, Jane, Yawn, Atlas, Someone, Hallia, bystander, an_gorta_slanktai, Ari, Lucid_Daydream
Ranta (11): Ephemera, Creature, nutella, Baudib1, neil_the_eel, Ashlyn, dyachei, Selkie, Dum, WindwardAway
Someone (6): Frostwolf103, Zone_Q11, ash4fun, SirDerpsAlot, ChaosNinjaGaming, ElizaThePsycho
Marluna (1): May
Dum (1): Meuh
Meuh (1): Millium
Achromatic (1): Jarek

Not Voting (15): carbonated, crazynuto, gori, Kork, Marluna, Memekingpizza, Ranta, Wazza, beancat, Hazardwaste, Achromatic, Kanave, BradLand, Zugzwang, Apocryphal, CarrotyReaper

You have five minutes to DM me with corrections.


@Ranta has been executed!

Ranta was Town

Image rolecard

(Jail is Sealed)

text only rolecard

An event announcement will be posted once we have finished processing the start of the night. Watch this space.

Night 3 begins and will end in 24 hours, at 2024-06-09T21:00:00Z. Actions are due two hours before the end of the night.


all feedback has been sent
lmk if you think you were forgotten!



FoL Site Trivia

Players: Unlimited
Chance of Death: None
Mobile-Friendly: Yes
Duration: All night. Submissions are due 2 hours before EoN, at the action submission deadline.
Other Notes: Correct answers will be revealed publicly shortly before SoD. Individual scores will not be public.

How to Join:

Submit your answer privately on the forum in a PM to @FAMHost .

Reminder: You may not talk or hint about any ongoing events in any non-event chat, public or private. This includes making new threads to try to fulfill a trivia condition.

Welcome to the FoL Trivia Event!

What is FoL Trivia?

  • You will see a list of ten regular questions and one tiebreaker question.
  • Your goal is to answer as many questions correctly as possible.
  • Ties will be broken based on closeness to the tiebreaker correct answer.
  • Research IS allowed. However, you may not discuss the event questions with anyone (whether or not they are in the game).
  • If a question asks you to provide a link, it can be answered with a link present on “new FoL” (Fortress of Lies) – you will not need to consult the FoL archive. Archival links are still acceptable if they are valid answers to the question. The archive can be found here.
  • Questions that ask you to provide a game link can be answered with either Misc or FM links, unless specified otherwise.
  • You may not provide links to ongoing games (including this one).
  • Any correct answer counts, even if it is not our “intended answer.”

Question 1-5: User Trivia

  1. This user has created the most total topics on Fortress of Lies. (Only counts publicly viewable topics.)
  2. This user has posted the external (non-Fortress-of-Lies) link with the most clicks.
  3. This user has posted over 1000 posts, but has never “Liked” a post.
  4. This FoL user has represented a forum mafia community other than FoL at the Mafia Championships, but has never represented FoL (either the old or the new site). (Must have played at least 1 complete game on FoL.)
  5. This user has won the same award in the FoL awards in three consecutive years.

Questions 6-10: Provide a link

  1. This entire game was played in under an hour.
  2. This game was won by a single player.
  3. This game was canned mid-game.
  4. This game was a sweep. (No mafia killed, or no town killed by either the execution or town KP.)
  5. This non-FAM game had over 15,000 posts total.

Tiebreaker Question

T. As of this post being posted, how many messages are there in the FAM4 hosting Discord?


Please send your answers as an ordered list. You do not need to restate the question, or list the number, just list your answer. For example, if you think the answer to every user trivia question is Arete, the answer to every link question is the Global Rules, and the tiebreaker is 1, you would submit:


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Trivia errata/FAQ:

If you unlike a post in the ~five-minute window, it doesn’t count for this question.

Links must be to FoL (either Fortress of Lies, or the old site).

Group award categories have slightly changed. Group awards are eligible if the game the user won the most recent group award for would have been eligible to be nominated for the old-group-award category you’re matching.

Trivia FAQ part 2

You may provide a link to a misc.

“User” means account, if someone has five alts those are five different users

(exception: for the MU Champs one, they don’t have to have the same username on MU)

Any link that does not go somewhere on fortressoflies.com is an external link

Trivia FAQ part 3

“Created” is based around the CURRENT OWNER of the topic (the user/account who appears as the author of the original post), even if they were not the author originally.

video version here

It is a period of civil war.
Mafia spaceships, striking
from a hidden scumchat,
have won their first
execution against the
Village Empire.

During the battle, Boomer
spies managed to steal
secret plans to the Guild’s
ultimate weapon, the
BAKERY, an armored cookie
factory with enough cookies
to feed an entire forum.

Pursued by the AGENDA’s
rainbow agents, Joycat
Ranta races home aboard
her starship, searching for
the stolen plans that can
save her guild and restore
freedom to the cookie thread…

The game continues here: