FAM4: Thread 6 - Day 3

i shan’t!

Unless we all naively trust each other who attended the boats and there’s a wolf in there, looks pure enough.

fam2 boats actually?
it was 1 person dies

I probably would’ve entered it if I was available simply because death was possible lol

Oh yeah I guess your meta read on Someone is worth considering, too.

In b4 you are W/W

not really

i was pushing him way before, but it does help keep it on him

by the sounds of it he’s just gonna shoot people that land in those conditions and not even considering holstering which seems terrible for us

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i would consider someone alive and leashed if his pool wasnt all ppl i tr reasonably strongly

Okay. Glad you’re here, by the way, why are you town, again?

i shoot the wolves and also my Role and how i have Used it

what does this mean

my brain targets the counterwagon with the prize.

my heart wants to target Selkie.

Time will tell

There is FAM2 boat of horrors too and a lot of people died, all town. Eliza and me are survivors.

You are forgiven.
(At least your paranoia doesn’t exert itself to the point of making a new persona.)
(Ah… Intruders are gone… Masonry is BACK baby! WOO! \o/)

yeah like
he might be town but eh

I don’t think you’re a wolf atm, but also I don’t have a solid reason to be hard clearing you aorn


bad take because i can just full claim and let the anticlaim take me instead

him even submitting on you is pretty bad

but maybe he’s the goat and you’re actually a wolf, who knows

I don’t actually meta Someone that towny, he’s not very easy to read. He used to literally forget his alignment every game. The only reason we know he knows his alignment now is because the mods made a rule… pretty much specifically to stop him from doing this. I just think that a lot of the things people are wolfreading him for are NAI. I think his role behaviour is pretty towny, but he managed a similar thing in Stellaris mash as wolf.

… huh.