FAM4: Thread 6 - Day 3

You are forgiven.
(At least your paranoia doesn’t exert itself to the point of making a new persona.)
(Ah… Intruders are gone… Masonry is BACK baby! WOO! \o/)

yeah like
he might be town but eh

I don’t think you’re a wolf atm, but also I don’t have a solid reason to be hard clearing you aorn


bad take because i can just full claim and let the anticlaim take me instead

him even submitting on you is pretty bad

but maybe he’s the goat and you’re actually a wolf, who knows

I don’t actually meta Someone that towny, he’s not very easy to read. He used to literally forget his alignment every game. The only reason we know he knows his alignment now is because the mods made a rule… pretty much specifically to stop him from doing this. I just think that a lot of the things people are wolfreading him for are NAI. I think his role behaviour is pretty towny, but he managed a similar thing in Stellaris mash as wolf.

… huh.

cw vig would be good here

On the first choice of player, everyone voted privately first. I asked everyone after the event is over who they voted privately.

The second paragraph below is the progression who’s picked afterwards.

I don’t have the energy to exert myself, I’m just trying to look around for possible deep wolves while everyone else finds the lhf mafia

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i think if someone v just flip gori, if w then ranta or marluna

If there is only 1 anti claim kill per night then we might have to wait 6 nights or longer for you to be gone.

(I am not saying you should claim here and now because there is no actual pressure on you)

meh, his claim is better here

at least the part where he says he vig’d atlas and then realized he couldn’t have killed him cuz he wasn’t; the actual top poster

that looks kinda villagery actually


i have ~no clue what this means.

no wait what whats that about forgetting alignment LMFAO???


It’s in the event that’s happening

i am still antsy about multiple people bringing up my name around itas when it was otherwise not brought up a lot it’s weird

i grow weary without my nyaposters around to bolster me

I don’t particularly care if someone does because I know his meta doesn’t particularly change much and he will probably eventually die anyways regardless of his alignment

Please pay attention Ashlyn