FAM4: Thread 6 - Day 3

that is in part why I picked carbonated.
Killing the very injured player that I think is villager felt like a waste of event kill.

Idk what is the right thing to do

they took them off shotlists

I’d probably prefer ranta of these 3 but don’t suuuper care overall

Not thinking straight rn

to holster :)

it’s pride month, you shouldn’t be thinking straight at all smh

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i took gori off shotlists too LOL

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Thanks that helped

5/5/5 wheee

I think someone’s reaction to finding out that atlas wasn’t top poster was real and I think it was towny. I’m open to voting not ranta but I’m not going to vote Someone

spicy eod hehe

Bro like wtf would u do in my spot tho

fair enough. sounds like meuh would be a good player to investigate and hope for some green colour.

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No shot means im just sad

i’d probably untie it on gori in the name of jane (i will keep sheeping until this gets proved wrong once)

VOTE: ranta

Whats ranta

i think of the two she’s more likely to be town