FAM4: Thread 6 - Day 3

damn…that would be unfortunate

@gori would you care to say anything?

This aligned to well with my thoughts and idk if that should scare or console me

Yeah that’s exactly what I think is going on

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baudib why are you shielding an lhf not doing a thing


Should scare you probably

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h u h

I wasn’t

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Okay so like, they vote Gori and not let Ranta / Someone die?

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Stop pinging me!
Here, use this one instead:

Well sucks for wolves, I have a double vote so if wagons are close I’m getting the final say

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Zone’s Stuff (Important)

ITA Tracker
Full Version
Players D2 Shotlist D3 Shotlist
Achromatic (JakeTheWolfie) (MISS!) (Hippopablompoyeetus)
alexandra (katze)
an_gorta_slanktai (Italy) (Gorta)
Apocryphal (Garfooled) (benguinedparbecue) (Refunded), (Hehehaha420blazing)
Ari (Italy) (Ranta)
Artemis (gori) (Ash)
Ash (benguinedparbecue) (carbonated)
ash4fun (tris) (Ranta)
Ashlyn (beancat) (pandora)
Atlas (Leafia) (Bionic)
Baudib1 (alexandra) (Hehehaha420blazing) (Refunded), (Ash)
beancat (alexandra) (Ash)
benguinedparbeque (Jinrou), (Cape90) (Daeron) (+1) (+2)
Bionic (JakeTheWolfie) (MISS!) (SilverKeith)
BradLand (Italy) (Kelsier)
Brakuren (Garfooled) (pandora)
bystander (Leafia)
Cape90 (Bionic)
carbonated (LittleLee) (Gorta)
CarrotyReaper (Leafia) (Brakuren)
ChaosNinjaGaming (Cape90) (Kelsier)
crazynuto (Ash)
Creature (Artemis) (Gorta) (MISS!)
Dum (benguinedparbecue) (Refunded), (Bionic) (Refunded), (Meuh)
dyachei (Leafia) (+1), (Italy) (+1) (+2) (Bionic), (Gorta) (MISS!) (+1) (MISS!), (Hehehaha420blazing), (Kelsier)
ElizaThePsycho (Italy) (+1) (Ash)
Ephemera (Ashlyn) (Gorta)
Frostwolf103 (Jarek) (pandora)
Gocj (tris)
gori (Bionic)
Gorta (benguinedparbecue)
Hallia (Leafia) (benguinedparbecue) (Refunded), (Bionic)
Hazardwaste (alexandra) (benguinedparbecue) (Refunded), (pandora)
Hehehaha420blazing (Zugzwang)
Hippopablompoyeetus (benguinedparbacue)
Italy (Leafia)
jail (Italy)
JakeTheWolfie (Luxy) (+1)
Jane (Garfooled) (Hippopablompoyeetus)
Jarek (carbonated) (pandora)
Jinrou (nutella) (Manny)
Kanave (alexandra) (Gorta)
katze (Cape90)
Kelsier (alexandra) (+1) (+2) (Refunded)
Leafia (Jinrou)
LittleLee (JakeTheWolfie) (MISS!)
Lucid_Daydream (benguinedparbecue) (Bionic) (Refunded), (Gorta)
Manny (tris) (benguinedparbecue) (MISS!)
Marluna (Magnus) (carbonated)
Marluxion (Magnus)
May (Cape90) (benguinedparbecue)
Memekingpizza (Jarek) (pandora)
Meuh (Italy) (carbonated)
Millium (Artemis) (Ash)
neil_the_eel (Italy) (Refunded), (Cape90) (benguinedparbecue) (Refunded), (Gorta)
nutella (Artemis) (Gorta)
Porscha (Cape90)
Ranta (Artemis) (carbonated)
Sadbi (Jinrou) (Forgotten), (LittleLee)
Selkie (JakeTheWolfie) (MISS!) (Hehehaha420blazing)
SilverKeith (benguinedparbecue)
SirDerpsAlot (Kiiruma)
Someone (alexandra) (benguinedparbecue) (Refunded), (carbonated)
Stick (Garfooled)
tris (Jinrou)
Wazza (beancat) (Someone)
WindwardAway (Amelia) (Marluna)
Yawn (Cape90) (Hehehaha420blazing)
Zone_Q11 (Marluxion) (+1), (Achromatic), (LittleLee), (Ephemera), (Marluna) (Gorta), (Ash) (+1) (+2) (+3) (+4)
Zugzwang (Cape90) (Gorta)
??? (JakeTheWolfie) (No death)

ITA Tracker (Compressed Version)

Players D2 Shotlist D3 Shotlist
Achromatic (JakeTheWolfie) (MISS!) (Hippopablompoyeetus)
an_gorta_slanktai (Italy) (Gorta)
Apocryphal (Garfooled) (benguinedparbecue) (Refunded), (Hehehaha420blazing)
Ari (Italy) (Ranta)
Artemis (gori) (Ash)
Ash (benguinedparbecue) (carbonated)
ash4fun (tris) (Ranta)
Ashlyn (beancat) (pandora)
Atlas (Leafia) (Bionic)
Baudib1 (alexandra) (Hehehaha420blazing) (Refunded), (Ash)
beancat (alexandra) (Ash)
BradLand (Italy) (Kelsier)
bystander (Leafia)
carbonated (LittleLee) (Gorta)
CarrotyReaper (Leafia) (Brakuren)
ChaosNinjaGaming (Cape90) (Kelsier)
crazynuto (Ash)
Creature (Artemis) (Gorta) (MISS!)
Dum (benguinedparbecue) (Refunded), (Bionic) (Refunded), (Meuh)
dyachei (Leafia) (+1), (Italy) (+1) (+2) (Bionic), (Gorta) (MISS!) (+1) (MISS!), (Hehehaha420blazing), (Kelsier)
ElizaThePsycho (Italy) (+1) (Ash)
Ephemera (Ashlyn) (Gorta)
Frostwolf103 (Jarek) (pandora)
gori (Bionic)
Hallia (Leafia) (benguinedparbecue) (Refunded), (Bionic)
Hazardwaste (alexandra) (benguinedparbecue) (Refunded), (pandora)
Hehehaha420blazing (Zugzwang)
Jane (Garfooled) (Hippopablompoyeetus)
Jarek (carbonated) (pandora)
Jinrou (nutella) (Manny)
Kanave (alexandra) (Gorta)
Lucid_Daydream (benguinedparbecue) (Bionic) (Refunded), (Gorta)
Marluna (Magnus) (carbonated)
May (Cape90) (benguinedparbecue)
Memekingpizza (Jarek) (pandora)
Meuh (Italy) (carbonated)
Millium (Artemis) (Ash)
neil_the_eel (Italy) (Refunded), (Cape90) (benguinedparbecue) (Refunded), (Gorta)
nutella (Artemis) (Gorta)
Ranta (Artemis) (carbonated)
Selkie (JakeTheWolfie) (MISS!) (Hehehaha420blazing)
SirDerpsAlot (Kiiruma)
Someone (alexandra) (benguinedparbecue) (Refunded), (carbonated)
Wazza (beancat) (Someone)
WindwardAway (Amelia) (Marluna)
Yawn (Cape90) (Hehehaha420blazing)
Zone_Q11 (Marluxion) (+1), (Achromatic), (LittleLee), (Ephemera), (Marluna) (Gorta), (Ash) (+1) (+2) (+3) (+4)
Zugzwang (Cape90) (Gorta)
??? (JakeTheWolfie) (No death)
D1 & D2 Final Vote Counts
POE of "players who have not done any ITA damage to a dead Mafia":
  • Artemis
  • ash4fun
  • ChaosNinjaGaming
  • crazynuto
  • Creature
  • Dum
  • Ephemera
  • Kork
  • Marluna
  • Millium
  • neil
  • nutella
  • Ranta
  • Wazza
  • Windward
  • Zugzwang
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they said they took em off shots because they had a higher prority

i dunno if thats actually true

if i die tonight, just TERMINATE the player named Someone

Let’s goooo

Hi zone!

zone your a legend for doing this