FAM4: Thread 6 - Day 3

Wait a minute. EOD3 is in 9 minutes.
…I can probably screw some people over, yes.

Someone claimed to have shot atlas so they’re definitely kp

Not on confirmed town

Kill a non confirmed town instead yk

Exactly my point

aren’t the options you/atlas

20 people not voting is crazy ngl


I do fully expect mafia to yoink me tn tho

fuck it VOTE: someone

So if you guys would like to kill Someone, I’m down to do it now

i mean

if whichever goes over is a wolf maybe don’t otherwise maybe do

Oh it’s from boats ok that makes sense

What boy should I kiss tonight?

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VOTE: Someone

My point is, there are N2 deaths and this happened attacked Atlas and failed.

Idk I have no idea what their role is

heres the thing

on n2; the kp couldn’t kill me bc i didnt meet a condition that let Someone shoot me

so i didnt die by 10 posts

VOTE: Somone

hopping on this train

*looks at recent votes*
…never mind.

top poster murder
among other things
i think?