FAM4: Thread 6 - Day 3

No that’s no particularly AI for someone, their a decent wolf

FWIW: I didn’t. :woozy_face:

Like, somebody from Gori’s wagon?

when did artemis become sus?

Did something happen?

it might be gori but i just dont feel it and ppl hopped on eh


its 9 gori 8 ranta 7 someone i think


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I miss the times I would talk about Netflix

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If Gori is killed and flips town here I become a Miller tonight, by the way.

The whole wagon until we find the wolves in it

why you hopping around like you’re trying to get cred and then prey yk yk

ranta and gori not appearing for eod makes me think it could be w/w

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I have a double vote so I’m gonna fuck with the wagons however I want, if they’re tied in 3 minutes

what ??? is your sus on gori a fuckingexecutioner?

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Maybe I shouldn’t take a mash too seriously

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cred for what

Ya idk what I’m doing

I think someone’s pop-in is wolfy on the other hand
And I thought Ranta posted too? Or did I imagine it

The only reason that would make sense is if i can be controled and even then its sketch