FAM4: Thread 6 - Day 3

So far, Zug has the majority by Artemis and Jarek

don’t claim now anyway unless it is a dayvig to sue right away.

anything else keep silent until tomorrow.

does anyone have a strong read on Insomnia?

someone is claiming conditional vig and hes the only one i could maybe slightly let someone get away with shooting

…probably but im curious

Oh the duality of the flen

VOTE: Someone

I assume everyone who survived boats got the same prize?

If so, someone else who won and is towny ping me with a target.

uh yup


I didn’t get shit

you might get one in a bit


jarek you have my derringer

do as you may

See you tomorrow.

what do I do with it

Im going for a walk might not be back in time for eod

uh you can hold it at night

Yeah okay. we should pick a target. Maybe.

most likely we did, yeah