Fantasy of the Damned - Ended

whatever the fuck you’re eating isn’t bread
i don’t even think white bread does that

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i have legitimately had hamburger buns like straight up get stuck to the burger and like

idk i cant explain it its just not good crispy buns are better because they dont run the risk of having awful texture

It doesn’t. I only like white bread so I should know. Banana bread is good too though.

It’s fine to have different opinions on stuff.

buns should only get stuck if there’s melted cheese
otherwise i think you’re just at a bad place

this is the internet no its not



very possible

still think either way toasted buns have better texture

one of us either leaves with a different opinion or never leaves at all

toasted buns have crunchy edges and that’s just a sin ok

Hands Italy and Misty a sword each

try a denny’s burger
it’s good shit
i can’t miss a chance to sell out for denny’s

can we sword fight in the parking lot and record it afterwards itd make good content


there can only be one

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ive never been to a denny’s

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Same here. I might’ve heard of them through commercials though.

they make a mean fucking burger

good for them

i hate crispy
crispy bad
crispy can rot in a fiery crispy hell


this is the correct answer
most things thicker than a potato chip have no right to be crunchy