Fantasy of the Damned - Ended

if you are and it’s warm it might be dehydration

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unfortunately it is required of me to be present at luncheon

I made bell character
I didn’t know how to play him exactly
cuz ididnt know how to give him a personality besides…bell

Is that Ici’s game?


it’s so common that we made a joke about it in our site’s anniversary fm game

but yeah that’s pretty funny

Hopefully they can get you some water quickly there
Or maybe you could drink a cup before you leave?

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Just don’t drink anything 4head

A complex backstory usually helps with that

characters normally have decent morals and a backstory, regardless of how important it was to a character
bell is a cat who has a paragraph written about him who hops in bags and pretends hes the king of Atlantis


I notice people even joke about having poison immunity in this game XD

I don’t know how to write backstories

start with origins or a main character flaw
then work from there

Meanwhile I’m just a god at roleplay because I absorbed characters personalities instead of making my own because I was depressed growing up and I worked retail so I’m very good at acting

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This sounds so funny, what happened that you needed to force a kill?

Nobody was killing for weeks and I felt bad

i am very good at faking my entire personality
its why i play mafia

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if i had a nickel every time someone willingly poisoned theirself…

I guess it was a great RP potential