Fantasy of the Damned - Ended

looks like aelin put a lot of work into the game, shame it ended like that but from the sounds of it people were losing interest anyway


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aelin put over 140 hours into it
was really beautiful while it lasted
Iā€™ll probably never be able to witness another game as goat as this one while it lasted


a month and a half is easily the longest a game has ever managed to consistently hold my attention

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Yeah I also had fun even if I had to sacrifice my sleep schedule at times just so I donā€™t miss out on stuff. It reminded me of similar games like this that I used to play long ago so I got the hang of it pretty quickly.

Still a shame though cuz it ended just when I was getting my personal plot but ah well. Looking forward to the next RP misc game~

YTTD? (Idk if you were in this or danganronpa)

isnt the next one Dangan? or that is still on the workshop rn

i was a spec in yttd

YTTD lasted like

1 to 2 months i believe

that was the longest misc to my knowledge before this one

not sure
DR6 is all but canceled so itā€™d have to be someone elseā€™s work

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currently nothing on bench
so Iā€™ll probably be hosting Boat of Horrors Extreme Mode

Oh Alice cancelled it?


thatā€™ll last like 4 days once it fills

Itā€™s basically going to be every idea that didnā€™t make it into the final boat of horrors alongside some extra stupid ones thrown in for good measure

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i expect just chaos and anarchy

why would anyone join if you just will kill off our characters in a shorter time than it took to write backstory

were gonna need a park pass for disney world and half of us will die trying to get it

Itā€™s a reference to something donā€™t worry about it

oh no you wonā€™t build characters

oof so you created 10 different characters then

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