Fantasy of the Damned - Ended

Pretty sure it was within 15 minutes

it was me learning from you saying I had a trident in the boss battle thing

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Ok well that’s just your fault
I told you at the same time as your helmet buff I think

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I misunderstood it

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yeah someone else
do it so i don’t have to


my recommendation is that someone should do one
but lean even more heavily into the rp side
rather than relying on action processing and stuff
maybe just like differently designed rooms to move to and an underlying plot and like vague enemies to fight against
but not like puzzles and all


Emilia’s been bugging me to host another GodCard game forever, so your wish is granted.

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I’m totally bringing a detective regardless of the game setting. I think that would really suit my behaviour.

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nooo that was supposed to be my job

what type of detective
theres a columbo detective a smart detective and a “i dont care as long as i get the truth” detective

We can both be detectives.

basically colombo sherlock holmes and booker dewitt

The Detective who applauds the culprit for a good mystery, and only cares about mysteries and not the people.

so basically a high school mystery kid

Maybe? I’ll share more detail when you set up your game, whenever that is. Looking forward to your interest check.

theres no possibility it’ll even run
its just a thought and i already made a small tutorial area using a few “repurposed” puzzles

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Run a short module, then.
Just to see if you’d have fun with it.

i was thinking about that
im just stuck on what puzzles to make for several rooms in a row

my puzzles are pretty easy tbh
which is at least better than the alternative

1 combat room which is decently easy to make
1 puzzle which i could just repurpose from the main game (it’d be a bit simpler though)