[FEEDBACK] More transparent moderation

God forbid I don’t want to start drama when I could be misrepresenting people.

The fact that this dilemna exists is the REASONING for why there needs to be more transparent moderation.

I’m so sick of the moral grandstanding of moderators in this thread, acting like they are perfect beings who haven’t ever been biased in decision making or made incorrect judgements.

The issue at hand is trust within the current moderation, some people will have more of it, some people will have less of it. But at the end of the day, in order for trust to be built, there needs to be a way for people to see that moderators are taking correct action or are not acting with bias.

At the current situation, people with high trust in moderation, will assume that moderators are acting to the best of their ability in solving situations, where as people with low trust in moderation will assume the opposite.

I can provide an example of this if you want, but I think my point has come across.

The downsides for having an access to the information is minimal, with the only reasonable rebuttal being that it can be exploited by bad actors, however I personally think that this would be negligible and is mostly based on hypothetical.

Personally, I think that trial running the implementation of a more transparent moderation policy is the best way to solve these hypotheticals, as it can run through the downsides and as we have more access to information we can make a better judgement off it.

my sibling in christ you made this thread 2 hours and 30 minutes after you were unbanned

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It’s almost like not having transparent moderation contributed to me being banned

it’s almost as if the entire point of this thread is drama

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a word of advice
if you want to stay unbanned, then the best move would be to not immediately create a thread that is obviously intended to start drama?

poisoning the well

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I don’t know what that means

I am making a suggestion which I think would be better for the site, and the reasoning for me making this suggestion is based on things that have occured to me, that is correct.

Nevertheless, these should be irrelevent towards the suggestion, and I am only vaguely bringing them up as a response to the question of “why”. While I intially intended to just give hypotheticals, as can be seen, people continue to press for solid information as to “why”.

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Nobody is grandstanding or acting like we’ve never made a mistake

We’ve been discussing this topic in modchat since the thread was posted and will have a decision soon


This thread’s topic doesn’t break the rules, and people are allowed to supply their input on what they believe would improve the site’s rules better and be more inclusive; hearing proactive outlooks is generally a good thing. Any issues that could hypothetically arise would relate to people getting overheated and deliberately argumentative, as it would apply in any other thread, rather than for anyone’s stance.


So when I said the purpose of the thread was to have arguments, you were implying that what I had said was… true but not relevant???

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The “Poison” was the idea that the thread was purely for arguments rather then to come to a resolution

I feel like you’re misusing this phrase, then

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Oh so you think I’m slandering you

“Poisoning the well” implies I’m specifically revealing unsavoury but irrelevant information about you in order to make people later disregard what you say simply because it comes from you. My comment was implying that the tone of the thread in particular, the current item of discussion, which is relevant at present, was unproductive, which is not what is referred to by this sense of “poisoning the well” even a little


For the record I’m not saying your suggestion is valid
I’m saying you’re pretty obviously self-interested and biased when arguing for it
like. You’re not suggesting this because you genuinely believe it will make the site better, you’re suggesting it beacuse you think it will give you ammunition and let you stay unbanned for longer

that last bit is phrased weird but you get the idea

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Sorry this is pedantry I have no interest in arguing about the actual topic of discussion here anymore I’m just confused by your use of words here

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Poisoning the well involves associating unfavorable traits with an idea, in an attempt to discredit it.

like you pretty much admitted to it here