Flicker! FM - The Kidnapper Team Will Strike Again...

Works fine now. UNVOTE

VOTE: Silviu

Oh sick a vote button

VOTE: Neon


VOTE: Jarek

I’m going to try attracting a certain someone here that I think I should be able to read now with being masons together last game. VOTE: Phraze

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I feel like i don’t exist in the bot lol

This is a strange bot but I like it

Or rather i can’t vote but i can be voted for

VOTE: why are we voting random people?

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Is that a role ability you have or something

VOTE: O.kazo

Would be more of a handicap instead of an ability tbh

VOTE: Lemonfairy

Your name isn’t on the list of not voting. It’s missing one other name too but I’m not sure who’s name it is.

Yeah that doesn’t sound like an ability anyone would have so I’m going to assume it’s just not.

(Votebot prompt)

Where’s the vote-list?

@Silviu200530 let me voteeeeeeeee

I love this vote. Laughs

how can I see the votes?