Flicker! FM - The Kidnapper Team Will Strike Again...

you are a fool for thinking there is nothing more than acting weird = best execute

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you are not explaining how or why what i say is wrong
you are just saying it is and moving on

Kot meet pettle.

“You post anime gifs and nobody takes you seriously”

“Stop throwing shade”

I did

You know for someone I disagreed with almost all of Valo Wolf I find myself almost exclusively agreeing with you here lol

I have

you arent doing yourself any favors kiddo
go lie down

Alright my boyfriend is here and thusly I’m going to go chill with him and maybe feel better about my life

Someone make an actual case on me that’s not “you killed Hail”


  1. They did
  2. Off of one or two posts
  3. Hail was null for most people, the latter points are
  4. Who even thought hail was scum and didn’t jump the bucket
  5. They voted after the case because we had better things to do, and you thrust a case at a nullscum at their face and you, having the most posts, tend to be followed
  6. Explained. Several times.

Be back in like 7 hours baiiiiiiii

now that thats finally over

not s/s

is s/s

how strange

I never do myself favors that’s too boring

neon came in, flailed a bit, pushed me because i thought something scummy was scummy, and didn’t provide any counters
that is my argument
her killing hail was bad. her arguments afterwards were worse

I having the most posts tend to be followed

“Nobody takes you seriously because anime gifs”

if any non-neon players wish to communicate with me with proper counterarguments, i’m fine with it
otherwise, i fail to see why pushing people who do evil things is bad

doing evil things loses games
you are willaging (bad) or scum (bad)
people here lose games because they refuse to push scummy people

I actually BEG you to kill me

Do it. It will be fucking hilarious when I flip town and than you have to try to wiggle out of the scenario where I’m scum for wagoning a town but your not for wagoning a town

We have info. You can ignore it or go read into it but screaming that it doesn’t exist and that the people who did nothing are townie and the people who didn’t aren’tis laughable

Jesus fucking christ.

Have you just never killed a town day 1 oh lord god of mafia

Neon (4): Memes, Jarek, Lemonfairy, Atlas
i am making an attempt to, yes.
i am of the current opinion you need to die
if you flip town, i will apologize and not blame everyone else for not constantly bickering with me because they disagree, but i will move on and push scummy people in further hopes to kill the bad guys