Flicker! FM - The Kidnapper Team Will Strike Again...


(anyone else TRing Leafia feel free to chime in)

I am.

Debil can usually find me very well so I’m not surprised he said this. We go way back since our old site together.

And Here is Is! Found It!

Why did O.Kazo not get targeted as the night kill over Debil?
If O.Kazo isn’t Doctor which he is implied he ain’t Doctor then that may make him more likely to be a wolf.

Says the one who town read Rue last game lol.

Thinking I was wrong on Rue and Outedwolf stuff.

You are scum. I will bet my life on it and we reach f3, im snap voting you so you better kill me before that

I’m sorry to break it to you, but the fact that I’m your strongest SR means you’re not

I did that, after Memes claimed cop.

Do you seriously believe a doc would come out D1?

I don’t think Memes cares if he’s wrong he’s still going to believe it to himself even if you are town. :man_shrugging:

Maybe I’m wrong but that’s my opinion.

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Debil Did.


Like I was allot more confident in Rue I’m not as confident in Silly.

Who’s Rue?

Obviously tread gets more active when I’m gone, and goes dorment the moment I look for a moment…

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Karma hates me, or something.

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Jaiden (3): Jarek, O.kazo, Zorvo
O.kazo (2): Leafia, May
Jarek (2): Magnus, Lemonfairy
Lemonfairy (2): Neon, Memes
Neon (1): Jaiden
Zorvo (1): Phraze

Not Voting (2): Atlas, sillykitty2366

lol I’m voting with Magnus

talk to lemon?

what are your reads?

O.Kazo is here! Time to go dormant everyone!