Flicker! FM - The Kidnapper Team Will Strike Again...




I swear to hell if you all wquickhamemr me

Your not what I’m following

I wolf-read Neon more. I’m honestly only sheep-voting you because Zorvo won’t vote Neon first.

why is this game just putting people at l-2 and poking them with a stick

At lesat give me tomrorw mornign toregain m y dignity after all of this. Cmon. You awjldnt make me go out in a message twih forty typos

Because the obv wolf is obv woofing and town is dumb

VOTE: Leafia

this has literally happened four times

God-tier case that I want to be torn apart or followed by me by the way.


VOTE: Leafia

Wait a second hold on

ayo wtf

Magnus actually might have died for asking why Atlas wagon stopped

and now leafia’s at l-1

Let me see if it was him

Alright I’ve settled down.

Entire woof team in


Hammer me