Flicker! FM - The Kidnapper Team Will Strike Again...

I am only one thing lol

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I would be to which is why I was gonna try to olive branch… but now that is gone

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what does olive branch mean?
i’ve neer heard the phrase before
i think it’s a strategy to determine alignment but i don’t know much else

I’m guessing Rigor or Austerity.

A peace offering and a gesture of good faith… essentially


oh, when have i ever

what am i then :P

leafia i super duper promise to exec between neon/memes if youre town

Leafia (4): Jaiden, sillykitty2366, May, Memes
May (3): Lemonfairy, Leafia, Zorvo
Jaiden (1): Jarek

Not Voting (3): Phraze, Atlas, Neon

Votecount Speed Booster 2.0

If Leafia is town just murder me honestly

At that point I’ve thrown this game and I deserve to die…

Well if we kill Leafia today I suppose

What olive branch?

Yes it is how the game works and how the game is played.

I’m definitely this one.

You hit the nail on the head here.

I was. Extremely frustrated.

I’m willing to listen.

Basically a peace offering.

I’m voting one.

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I really doubt it.

Plus watcher and who they are claiming to watch makes sense/

If this is wolf wouldn’t be surprised if 2 wolves are on here. I don’t think all but idk how Neon plays.

If Neon is town they have been wolf siding all game so.

Like it is funny cause if @Neon is town I’d have excepted them to see how wolfy May is and how their reads and stuff don’t make sense and isn’t genuine.

I do.

I still think Leafia is town, top town.

But they be using an excuse they use as wolf. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Pretty confident may is a wolf maybe even flash vote them in LYLO.