FoL Awards 2021 - Results Thread

and mind you that would have been my first ever sub out :stuck_out_tongue:

you’ve never been forcibly subbed out?


intensify played very well :(

Shudders in BotF

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I should have nommed about 5 more players for best misc

Apprentice and Solic from death city were absolutely goated

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I don’t think so

The closest I have to a sub out is CJN but even then I joined on the express condition no rules changed and a rule changed but the hosts didn’t just out me so I outed myself

so I don’t count it

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The next category is Best Use of a Power Role

Best Use of a Power Role: For a player who displayed skill in using their Power Role (PR). This may be any PR, even a very weak one.

The nominees are:

  • Mistyx, Ciconia FM
  • Icibalus, Clown Fiesta 2

And the winner is…

@Mistyx !


read neither of those games!

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think it should have went ici
plays were ascended only held back by dogshit rng

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clearly you don’t remember anime fm


I didn’t play any games in 21 except for that misc

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oh yeah
eevee the godslayer

I wasn’t a player in that?

you were still forcibly subbed out by eevee


you played in sfol 67

as CoconutsTasteBad

I mean sure but not as a player

The next category is Best Mechanical/Strategical Player

Best Mechanical/Strategical Player: For a player who consistently displays good knowledge of mechanics and uses them effectively, as either alignment.

The nominees are:

  • eevee
  • Marluxion

And the winner is…

@eevee !


good shit
