๐Ÿ† FoL Awards 2022 - Nominations Thread

Also nominating Chloe/Hally for best misc performance for Word Match 2
they never took more than like 4 guesses and almost every guess was guessed in one

and nominating Arete for best flavor
extremely self explanatory and very :joy_cat: worthy nobody has nominated them yet

and nominating Marluna for Rookie-Of-The-Year
not sure if they are actually a rookie but one of the few good players whoโ€™s first game was in 2022 on FOL :joy_cat:


seconding this nomination

Nominating Arctic for Most Improved Player
this guyโ€™s first scum game was last year and used to be one of the most blatant scum. now look at em.

Nominating Vulgard for Most Enjoyable Player
literally a signup magnet, games vulgard joins fill like 3x faster than normal and their playstyle is a reason why people want to play with them.

Nominating Arctic for Best Use of a Power Role for Umineko FM
Chaining Better Call Saul characters with the looper was extremely amusing to watch

Nominating Prophylaxis for Best Town Performance - Single Player (large game) for his performance in Trials and Tribulations
A villager so strong we literally had to kill him twice, and even managed to con one of the mafia into treestumping him temporarily despite knowing they were mafia giving him an entire extra day.


I second this. I love having Vulgard around. :ayaya:


Also second this one. I agree that Arctic have grown into a formidable FM player. :ayaya:


declining this nomination, I won it last year and generally think itโ€™s a good idea to not just nominate the same people for the non specific-to-a-single-game awards each year :joy_cat:





you guys canโ€™t give me most improved again iโ€™ve played objectively worse this year than the last

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oh wait, i forgot you can decline nominations

yeah iโ€™m gonna decline that one, for the same reasons arete stated

ty though lol


was thinking about making this nom myself so iโ€™ll second. theyโ€™ve won all of their games (including on their secret alt) so they must be doing something right


Idk if I can also nominate this for Best Replacement Player but since the categoryโ€™s currently empty I definitely want to do so. Itโ€™s only one replacement but it was a big one imo.

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Litten for their play in Eimm
short of it he was put in the spot he chose who won the game and both sides went with it fully despite being an early target from early within the game.

Despite this normally being the App category think this was just a good showing of litten.

i think i did that right



seconding because this was absolutely hilarious to watch, just clicking on the thread every now and then and all of a sudden another BCS character is there


broke: using an alt/time travel mechanic to retroactively IC yourself, add bonus votes, and trick mafia into killing the wrong slot

woke: make no attempt to hide the alts and larp as breaking bad characters


This wasnโ€™t seconded, apparently? Second.

The performance is pretty historically significant as well because Leafia actually endgamed as a wolf. Turns out that she can do it, you just need to play it right as a team.

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From what I read of the game, it was generally wolves not really playing the game and the village largely sheeping Rue, but 1. wolves still had to be identified even if they didnโ€™t really play the game, and 2. sheeping Rue was clearly a good strategy for the town, so I canโ€™t blame them lol.

Seconding. I mean, it was a sweep. And it was a sweep in a setup where you have to not misclear wolves and to correctly identify wolves at the same time or else you get mechanically punished.


she has endgamed as a wolf before at least once, maybe more

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@mods u guys should just make this post a wiki tbh

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