I feel like mark twain when I think “I’ve never wished a man dead, but I have read some obituaries with great pleasure” when thinking about that guy being banned for harassment
Oh yeah this is the discussion thread
I am rejecting being nominated for the misc
I can’t remember what I did there
Marshal probably did good though
can confirm
you did literally everything
That’s great cause I remember nothing
Accept the award boy
the three top contributors that game was me (pregame) marshal and litten
and marshal and litten were on the same team so
You’re accepting it
litten dont you remember you’re gonna be King next game
if it ever happens
I remember that
I’ll be a great king
god thinking about the massive lore behind tol is amazing
You guys are all BABIES compared to me being basically a dinosaur
oh yeah magnus is like the dinosaur of dinosaurs I guess
(its probably never happening because when you have 40 hours in a party game with limited scope like kotc it tends to fall apart)
Does kotc really lack a lot of content?
no its just that most of its content is locked behind certain choices
so in the earlygame you tend to get the same events over and over