FoL Awards 2023 - Discussion Thread


Not what I was trying to bait you into doing

I have to do everything myself around here

Now you know who I will be nominating for the best 3P/neutral performance this year.

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fantastic song choice


Hazardwaste (Revealing a wolf in a word search)

Can someone point me to this / explainze pls
I didn’t see the funny thing when it happened

Basically Hazard was outed SK. So, as a joke, he made this incredible word search with “Mr L” somewhere in it to reveal the mafia bp he had tried to kill and everyone tried to solve it and did. It was just an absurd premise and made everyone laugh because it was such an unexpected move.

My take away at any rate. You had to be there.


hazard was sk mechanically outted
iirc he copped and a mafia and tried to kill a BP mafia


lol ty nerds

hazzy felt so bad when he realized how easy it was to solve


It didn’t even say “Mr. L” because he didn’t want it to be direct. It said “LUIGI”. Hippo found the name in the wordsearch and got cleared off of it

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@Chloe I can’t stress enough to you how funny it is that somebody actually solved this

We all took breaks from like, normal playing mafia to look at the word search for a while. At least, I did. Hippo clearly did. It adds a whole new dimension to the game.

Also, when Hazzy and I were wolfing together later in the Litten Game, Mr. L wished to have the wolves’ names revealed in a word search (not knowing it was US), and Achro actually fucking posted it. It was fucked up so our names weren’t actually in there normalstyle directly, so nobody solved it, but TECHNICALLY we were revenged upon

The funny thing is that I colour-coded Hazard’s name and found a lot of his letters congregated in the same areas, but I didn’t make anything of it.


I still think of MAGMTMVS from the first wordsearch fairly often.

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Would it be tragic if a villager’s name ended up in the scum wordsearch by pure mistake or what?


Well, last time I tried to make a wordsearch, a homophobic slur ended up in there by pure mistake, which I would say was pretty tragic

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Given my recent reputation I feel like this looks bad on me. It was a legitimate accidental accident

“When something bad happens, own it instead of apologising.”

I don’t think this advice would be very good in this case.

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