that was instant to omg
Yea BotC being separate is 200% a good idea
Bitch you just played one
No offence for the swear uwu
I dont understand its BotC, why ppl do this
antiquated tradition - but antiquated tradition is also why we can run botcs in misc queue and not special mafia queue so im not complaining
Misc queue? More like botc queue
fuck you im claiming the award for myself
any objections?
i object
have you seen how stinky arctics posts are
Does the Best Post Award need to be about a post from a mafia game? Can it be from a post from a misc game or the rest of the forum?
It feels like a fun award, which would presumably apply to whatever you felt like.
So long as it’s a community post.
Aww yeah so good i made them CHANGE THE RULES
you probably would have won best scum too if you couldn’t due to winning it last year. you would have had the complete triforce
Still sad about losing the best misc performance last year.
Yeah you can nominate players on teams you were on
oh rip, I wanted to nominate him
Should I delete the post in the other thread to remove da spam or naw