FoL Awards 2024 - Nominations Thread

Second tutuu’s

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Nominate Atlas for Best Host



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Nominate Singers FM for Best Setup (by @Daeron @Amelia)

I technically participated in hosting this game but kyo got me to host literally two events and I designed nothing else so L

I’m also very biased in this nomination but the game was very iconic and still is


Best Scum Perfomance - Single Player (vanilla game): @Rue / @Mistyx for Popcorn 3.

While this game was a bit of a shitshow and I literally stopped playing mafia because of it, I still remember how well Misty played and how well ae wolfed the entire game. I remember being totally convinced that ae had to be town. Ae may have lost in the end but I still think aer performance in this game was outstanding.

Best Post: @tutuu powerpoint in The Amazing Digital Circus Vig10er (idk if i can nominate this bc i hosted it?)

absolutely iconic tbh. Won them the game (probably not just that but it had to be a contributing factor).

Best Post: @Lemonfairy (technically it was katze’s post but also the subject of the post IS a lemonfairy post so like… gray area?) in Paint Chain

(nsfw) but man, what an ending to paint chain

Funniest Moment: Word Match V taking actual fucking months to end when it was supposed to take like 2 weeks

i didnt play many games this year but this was the stuff i remember (and hadn’t been nommed yet)


Seconding best scum performance and lemonfairy best post


Seconding all of these.

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oh right

i nominate magnus for most dedicated

whenever they join a forum mafia game or misc they make a constant effort to try to win the game, as well as being very consistent in hosting



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…may have searched for “effective immediately”, found a player I could find replacing in, and nominated for the award…


i appreciate the mention but i only have a single completed scumgame on here which doesn’t feel right for a body of work nomination


Nominating @Zone_Q11 for Best Misc Performance for his play in 30, specifically his performance in the Number Poker round.

Basic Rules of the Game

There are thirty cards, with suits circle, triangle, and square and numbered 1-10. Each card has a number such that there are no repeat numbers within the cards in the suit, and such that sum(all circle cards) <= sum(all triangle cards) <= sum(all square cards).

Each player is given nine random numbers between 5 and 250, alongside a joker. Every turn, players submit one of their numbers and learn the highest poker hand that can be made from the thirty cards such that the numbers on the five cards add up to that player’s number. This result is publicly announced, and players are privately told the cards that make up that poker hand.

After ten turns, all players make a guess as to what value each card has. For each guess that a player gets that no one else got, they get a Victory Point. Given that you win the game at 30 Victory Points, it is possible to win 30 purely off Number Poker.

Zone was the first to solve the game and came so close to running away with it that Someone had to burn their lead with hints to block him. Insane performance given the amount of information we were given, and wildly commendable.



(I haven’t thought anyone would be figure out without other players help. Most of the games in 30 were designed to communicate with other players, and figure out which informations you can or cannot trust. Zone solved the game single-handedly. He only asked other players for clarification after he solved the riddle.)


Some seconding.

Read from Marissa’s sub-in on, and you can just see this as the moment where she just completely snaps.

Absolute comedy gold.

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guys I have no idea what a Last Stand V is why does it say I made multiple nominations for it

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same with Virtuous

what happened here lol

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I hacked your account, don’t worry about it.