FoL Awards 2024 - Nominations Thread





(i didn’t read the entire last post so I didn’t see the may part at first, I would’ve included it right away if I did. promise :pray:)


Don’t worry, we know that being pretty is your only strength (as opposed to being literate or having a normal attention span).

do you ever shut up?

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You need to make me~

i will
permanently :gun:





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I nominate @Zone_Q11 for Best Replacement Performance in FAM 4. Replaced into a high WIM and consensus town slot D1 and kept up the WIM and solving throughout the entire game by constantly making atlas posts and reads even though his slot was already towncored when he subbed in




Nominating @Wazza for Best Mafia Performance (Special Game) in Singers FM

Played really well and carried the wolf team to be honest. Did a pretty good job protecting other wolves and taking control of lynches



I think the entire mafia team did a wonderful job that game honestly.


Third on this.

While I denied them the perfect mafia win, it is semi perfect performance.


Nominating @jail being the Jailor as Funniest Moment in Last Stand V


Nominating @Brakuren for Best Town Performance - Single Player (special game) for Last Stand of the Virtuous V: Venerated

I feel as this one is fairly self-explanatory for anyone who had read the game. Brakuren’s dedication to the game went above and beyond what could reasonably be expected for any townie who finds themselves in the town leader position. Brakuren exhibited a combination of strong social and mechanical play that took a good lead that he created through leading the elimination on one of the scum players on d1 and took the game past the point of a potential wolf comeback through shooting another on d2. Throughout this process, he continually busted his ass doing absurdly high effort meta reads. I am linking the one that stood out to me most below. While this read didn’t end up being correct, the dedication is exemplary (and in my opinion, a bit too crazy).

If the game was more difficult, I believe that Brakuren’s performance would have been pivotal in keeping the game from spiraling out of control.

Nominating Last Stand of the Virtuous V: Venerated for Best Town Performance - Group (special game)

I believe that most town players were able to make themselves socially town through their actions incredibly easily, which contributed to a game where wolves had barely any potential for a comeback after the end of day 1. Additionally, the strong mechanical play on display resulted in wolves only being able to get a single low-value kill during the game with a mech lock being in place at the end of day 2 through a well-considered massclaim.
Wolves were in a small PoE starting at the end of day 1 because of how villagery the villagers were.

I’ll sum this up by saying that village used social and mechanical play so well that the setup looked unfair. I can think of no greater praise than that.


Nominate Last Stand of the Virtuous V for best setup

say what you will about conversion not working
This setup gets absurdly damn close to making ToL as a concept work in a well balanced manner.

A labor of several months, the setup features the innovative decision that changes how the game is played in its entirety:

  • When a scum dies, the following night the convert action is disabled (with an additional starting scum to compensate)

This inventive method at changing how conversion works solves one of the main problems with FoL and SFoLs: if town ever loses key interruption roles, wolves can easily run away with the game due to a significant kp advantage that is difficult to take away from them.

This places the fundamental scumsided-ness of conversion as a two-way street which asks both the town and the mafia to play strong in order to either disable the conversion or enable it. Moreover, it also helps avoid scenarios where town cannot win despite a player advantage due to a wolf kp advantage.

This, of course, shouldn’t ignore the rest of the setup. Many many hours were put into the setup to enable a diverse set of roles with interesting ways to play them that feel impactful in a rolemadness environment if one puts in the effort to make the role’s niches useful.

Additionally, the removal of the Neutral Killer enables a more competitive and reliable experience, not as reliant on the whims of a player who can sink an entire faction’s chances of winning on a whim. Some people may like NK, but it’s hard to contest that it can make games uncompetitive.

Overall, stellar work from the setup creators. Even if it doesn’t get voted, I think the amount of effort that has gone into it matches games like FAM4. It’s worthy of praise.



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Seconding both of those.


that is very well written props to geyde for the great write-up on these nominations


/nominate Geyde for best nomination write-up