Agreed. I always look forward to these awards every year.
Thats fair
now we need the anti-awards
community LVP
worst town player
worst post (cmon, im a shoe-in, right?)
Willow’s been conducting an aggressive marketing campaign in cookie thread for the last several months to assert her queerness.
I do not endorse anti-awards
bro thinks he’s winning
I think “worst post” could actually be p funny, could be someone going like “im certain these 3 are town” and theyre all wolf. It could be any Tutuu post. Lots of possibilities and i could see it being kinda fun
I at least have a good shot
it would be 80 noms for tutuu posts and like 2 other posts
that one vulgard post in the first game on this site would go nuts
ur gonna have to link it
Shittiest Post
how about “worst”
thats it
you just vote the worst person
the wolfteam was me/wazza/arcy/beancat
Good job winning the things, everybody who won things!!