this sucks
Oh boohoo did someone get addicted to voter fraud
i assumed because it let you do it on the UI that it would let you submit
I am a democrat after all. its what we do. i personally submitted 15-20 “”“mail in”"" votes between arizona, pennsylvania, and michigan combined. anything for queen kamala
same bro
Okay i thought you guys were exaggerating but this is REALLY difficult im robbing quite a few people im so sorry
Also i will likely always vote in the final 24hr (or once most people have voted) because i dont like seeing the standings while the round is ongoing
Sorry to people this stresses out
i will always vote in the last 24h because i’m lazy
i rlly appreciated that btw
ty for doing that
id rlly appreciate you dumping all your points into my song this round (sarcasm)
me hastily voting through every song
Voting completed
pro tip
if you vote early not enough people have voted for standings to matter
I will obsess and check every few hours tbh
I do this
may be like “i know the first 3 numbers”
I’ve never said this.