FoL Music League

No votes to my song.

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(For the record, I did not care about going for the win this round and just wanted to throw a song on my mind into the wild.)


i lied


I’ll be honest I felt an inexplicable urge to memesub
i wouldnt sub pulk pull because I gotten chloe to listen to that on like, 4 seperate occasions already she doesnt deserve that
An actual sub wouldve been trans atlantic drawl


the people that vote for my songs never leave comments. Blue's Clues

I left my comment privately (several slurs)

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did molly submit a song just to make us all listen to it and then left the league on that account

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The real long con.

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@cape90 @garfooled remember to submit a song

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Coming to the realization that I will have to find a creative workaround for this round because I think I despise this entire genre of music.

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I personally had a list of “songs that sound like a factory” and “songs that are technically Industrial [OTHER SUBGENRE]”

industrial music good

and by that I actually mean largely not a fan but some of it is cool

does it count as an AI voice if (to my understanding) it’s a voice changer instead

if not then i demand a refund if so then meow meow meow to you

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you forgot the more important part

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my respect for molly (and, as a byproduct, origami) has skyrocketed from this occasion

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when i googled it it looked like the artist uses ai voices for their music

To be clear I figured it was her because all the other songs were clearly not her. I phrased the comment like that because it was funny


i swear i remember reading somewhere that it was mostly a voice changer and that he actually does the rapping but upon a quick google i might have been wrong/coping