FoL Music League

What’s Walrus?
Eliza throws around that name a lot — apparently I host a very similar game under a different name but I’ve never really asked what it is

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Ok, last thing before I create the League: what’s the room thinking on limiting the number of votes a player can use on a song?

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Don’t like it

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New Music League!

Ok if anyone submits one it wasn’t me

I only listen to the strokes bro

Oh I see
I host a game called “Tempo” which is like an elimination-based Walrus

I give a theme
You give one song (usually, you’re confined to one ost/band but it depends on who’s hosting cuz sometimes it’s not me)
I rank them based on how well they fit
The 2/3 lowest ranking performers go into a “duel,” where I give them another theme and the worst performing 1/2 submissions for the duel are eliminated from the game
Continue til 3 players left where they get one final theme


Are we supposed to let people see our comments on the song

If you want.
Could be used to justify your pick (before) or to elaborate on it in post (after).

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now it’s time for the real challenge: fitting what I want to say into 500 characters

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okay 500 characters was a lot more than it sounded like

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Oh god i have too many songs to choose from

I’m so torn between submitting the thing that Breaks Social Expectations the most or fits “fuck da rules!” the most

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they WANT ME to submit folkpunk im in my element im so hype thats the theme


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Can’t wait to submit the same thing

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i think imgonna troll this entire thing

i’ve found too much perfectly terrible music to do anything else