FoL Music League

It’s more that I really need to lock in for them.
Drabble Duel itself is a lot of work.


oh wait i thought it was a tie nvm get fricked skill issue



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I kinda expected someone to answer this lmao

coming right up

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any recommended settings from anyone

I think you can keep things as is?
Votes per round at 20, capped at 8 for a song; 3 day/5 day (might be 2 day/5 day?) cycle; five rounds (give or take a round, depending on how you feel).

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League 8: A Break from the Monotony of Everyday Life

How can you spice up boring things with songs while still keeping them appropriate?

New league, now with downvotes, check it out here: Music League | Login


bahahaha i love the first one i’m so cooked i don’t listen to songs in english

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Strong, strong, strong mood.

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just submitted soemthing kinda trolly don’t kill me guys :)

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Looking back why does this feel like a collection of mental health issues


The “Society [sigh]” League.


Idk how to feel about downvotes but i can prob make time for this league

who tf commutes with songs others can hear

just wear earbuds like wtf

I think it means more so like ur at risk of ur music being overheard, or ur driving and u got other people in the car. Stuff like that


Orange has levels of self-confidence that I wish I could capture.

It’s called “I have anxiety and even though I have perfectly noise cancelling headphones im still scared the person sitting next to me can hear my shitty music tastes” orange

Play the game >:(


subbing yuno miles