FoL Music League

I do NOT play with my music games :sob::sob: I’m not submitting something like that pleeeease

Ok, I’m taking a slight risk with this one.
Here we go.

just realised how much harder voting is gonna be with five new people but the same amount of votes


The solution is to clearly choose the best song and dump all 10 of your votes into it.

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that sounds like a not good idea

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if everybody did that I would not be in second LOL
I got 5 from you, 3 from Ash, 2 from Chloe and then 1 from literally everyone else

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classic …

Ok, question: who the heck is this?

if u accidentally doxxed yourself by joining with your real name and dont want people to know its you dont reply to that :joy_cat:

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Fair, but also, when I tried running a Music League for QBCord, a random person joined that one too.
Trying to figure out if that’s something I should be worried about.

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is there a way to make it joinable via link only?

It should be. That’s why I’m trying to figure this out.

if some rando slipped in… who cares lol

im p sure it was unlisted? so maybe someone just found the link somehow

also if I had to guess that might not be a rando since they joined this month :joy_cat:

i didnt know it was exclusive

i know who it is :joy_cat:
(sorry ;-;)

Oh, you’re good, you’re good.
Just wanted to make sure it wasn’t a random guy.

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This category is perfect for drug users.

I win.

I went from not knowing what to submit to having way too many good options